The operating system characteristic can be divided into two which is the
main and the supporting characteristic. In this unit we will discuss
about the support characteristic that involves efficiency, reliability,
maintainability and small size.
Efficiency software can solve problem in short time. The efficiency
criteria measured by:
Average time between job
Processor idle time
Turn-around time batch job
Feedback time
The use of computer resources
Even though the above factors could not optimize at the same time but
an efficient operating system can make full use of resources and
maximize the use of the system processors.
Efficiency in general describes the extent to which time or effort is well used for the intended task or purpose. It is often used with the specific gloss of relaying the capability of a specific application of effort to produce a specific outcome effectively with a minimum amount or quantity of waste, expense, or unnecessary effort.
Reliability is typically far more important for real-time systems than
non-real time system. A reliable operating system is fail-soft
operation. The fail-soft is a characteristic that refers to the ability of a
system to fail such as possible for example a real-time system will
attempt to either correct the problem or maximize its affect while
continuing to run. One important aspect of fail-soft operation referred
to as stability.
A good operating system can be trouble shoot easily by a programmer
without using a longer time. Its modules are clear and the
documentation is complete to help the programmer to maintain the
Small size
Operating system should be in a small size to reduce the use of
memory and storage. The operating system storage cannot be use to
run any user programs. The reduce of memory and storage allows the
user to use the memory to run their programs.
good..improve your english language.....
BalasPadamYeah Good Job! Agreed
BalasPadam:) thank you friends...
BalasPadamgod job
BalasPadamnice presentation....
i like :)
gud job kak mas...
BalasPadamnice info for me...
nice presention
BalasPadamgood job kak mas..
BalasPadamgreat job mas anil...
BalasPadamgood kak mas
BalasPadamgood job!
BalasPadamEn YUs...thank you
BalasPadamgooD jOB!!
BalasPadamto all my friends...thank you...your comments...
BalasPadamgood jog..
good you perfoman
BalasPadamgood n better mas
BalasPadamgood performence
BalasPadamgood work..
BalasPadamkeep ur effort